Please come and sit awhile with Our King as I share with you. I pray your heart is encouraged in your walk with the Lord, for no matter what, He is with us and desires to meet with us - personally. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Rev. 3:20
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Be Prepared
~You do not need to be afraid; you need to be prepared. Sound the alarm! The Day is approaching! The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and My Church knows it not!
Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13, Zechariah 2
Let's focus on preparation:
Where do we need to be prepared first and foremost?
-Let's ask ourselves these questions....Where am I at in relationship with My Father? There is only one way to be in right relationship with God and that is through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Jesus said in John 14:6 "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Therefore, there is no other way to God the Father, except THROUGH Jesus Christ. For anyone to preach otherwise is false doctrine and a spirit of the antichrist.
-Heart issues:
-What is my relationship to other Believers? Saints, we are not to carry any ill feelings towards our Brothers or Sisters. 1 John 4:20 "If someone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" The Lord's Word also tells us that insofar as it be possible, we are to live at peace with all men (Rom. 12:18), and "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God". (Matt. 5:9)
-Beloved, if we are living at peace with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, then our hearts will not condemn us. But if we have an issue between us and another Brother or Sister in Christ, then we are admonished by the Lord to go to them personally if we have been personally offended by them (Matt. 5:24), or we need to just leave it with the Lord. Period! (Rom. 12:19-21)
Psalm 139:23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts/anxieties; and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (NKJV and Amplified)
We are to seek the Lord in that He will reveal by His Holy Spirit all that is hindering our relationship with Him, and/or others, or something which is hurting us through our sinful nature. As He reveals these things, then we are to confess them, ask His forgiveness and ask for the working of the Holy Spirit to correct us and lead us on His path of righteousness - ever looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
In Matt. 25:14-30, we read the parable of the talents. Therefore, until the Lord's return, how are we to be serving God and mankind, the poor in heart/spirit/finances, the afflicted, the elderly, the orphans and widows for the Kingdom of God/His Kingdom Glory? If we are a Believer in Christ, then the Holy Spirit is in each one of us for His Purpose as He has so determined in Heaven according to His will.
Daily, we are to seek the Lord for a fresh supply of the Holy Spirit. He is the Living Water from Whom we shall never thirst. His supply never runs dry!
Store non-perishables, toiletries and water.
~Church, our time is short! What are we doing with it? Are we spending our days on things which have no eternal significance or are we seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? We have a choice. Every day is a choice in how we spend it. Deuteronomy 30:11-20. Be wise and be prepared!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Being Priestly Kills the Flesh
~James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." Galatians 5:24 "And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
~You see, we have gotten to the place that there is so much flesh parading itself as "saved" in the Church, that we are no longer willing to address that which is unholy for fear of offending someone. God tells us in His Word to "be holy as I AM Holy", and when we do, somebody begins to scream "religious spirit"! Church, we need to be reminded that Jesus prayed in John 17, in the Garden of Gethsemane, that God would sanctify us - separate us from the world so that we would be in the world but not of the world. Jesus prayed that we be kept pure and separated from society's values and norms which are contrary to the Word of God and Who He Is.
~One of the priest's responsibilities in the Old Testament was to be able to differentiate the holy from the unholy. And I have to ask: Are we truly able to do that today? If we are truly, living stones, a holy priesthood, a chosen generation that the Lord wants us to be as stated in 1 Peter 2:5,9 then are we truly living out our priesthood? Because being a priest, means that the flesh has been dealt is dead...and that the essence of the symbolism of baptism...dead to the flesh and all it's earthly desires - the old has passed away...there is a spiritual rebirth and with it there is a new creation in Christ, who will desire and live to walk out that which is Godly and Holy and Pure and Righteous....It is only that which is sown to the Spirit which reaps everlasting life....he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption. (Gal. 6:7) In other words, my wants, my desires, my this, my that....From where do these wants, needs, desires generate? Are they generating from the flesh or the Spirit? Am I seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness so that all these things shall be added unto me....God taking care of the things which concern my life, because I am first seeking Him and His Kingdom? Or am I just approaching The Throne of Grace as a "quick fix" to my problem?
~Church, the Lord's desire for us as His Body, is that we "look" like Jesus in Word and deed....and what we need to understand is that in order for this to happen, there is a death...a baptism...a submersion of the old that the new man is able to arise in His resurrection power.
~For a greater, more in depth study of the concept of being priestly and all this involves, I invite you to read the book, "Apostolic Foundations - The Challenge of Living an Authentic Christian Life" by Arthur Katz, c. 1999/Burning Bush Press. Art Katz is now Home with the Lord, but his writing is so profound that it causes me to be speechless; gasping for breath.
~I will leave you with this quote from p. 22-23 "Priestliness must both precede and accompany the apostolic walk. We urgently need God to breathe upon us the spirit of true priesthood, and to touch and transform every aspect of our lives, our walk, and our ministry. There is a requirement to minister unto God before one ministers to men. If we lack the sense of the sacredness of God, which is to be found only in the holy place, by those who have the posture of the priest, that is to say, prostrated as a dead man before Him, then there is going to be something brittle, something lacking, and something plastic in the ministry we bring. There is a cry of God for the restoration of priesthood that alone will save us from the superficial demonstrations that a ostensibly performed in His Name."
~"Lord God, Our Father Who lives in Heaven, fill me with Your Spirit. May the desires of my heart generate from Your Heart, O God. Strip me of all earthly desires for what is contrary to You and Your Word. Cause me to come before Your Throne....for You and You, Alone. Create in me the image of Christ in all ways...for Father, it is only You and You Alone Who deserves the praise, glory, honor and blessing. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
War Is Coming!
~Again, a reminder, the Lord's message is that He will provide for those who are His. But He is warning us so that we WILL prepare.
~The Lord directs us to store food and water.
~Due to the length of the message, please follow the link.
~War Is Coming - Lindy Pierce 05/18/09 Prophecy
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
All to Him I Owe
There's a theme....He's all I want. He's all I need. And because He paid it all, ALL TO HIM I OWE. He's My All in All...and All to Him I owe. It was with great sadness (and anger) that I heard a previous pastor of mine ask our congregation, "Wouldn't you like it if you had to transfer your money from one bank to another, because you had so much that the one bank couldn't handle it all?"...And I have to ask you? Is this what our Christianity is all about?...How much money I've got in the bank? But to listen to today's "prosperity preachers", that's where it's at. Why? Because they are fleecing the flock and getting rich off our foolish, misplaced desires. I've been there. I've been down that road! God finally got my attention to the point where I listened. I had fallen for the "God's going to double your return" one too many times. I realized that it was my own greed that made me vulnerable to the smooth manipulators telling me to send such and such amount and how God would "bless" me for it. We have been lulled into thinking that it's about us! "Going to get my blessing."
This past Sunday our pastor preached on the difference between Jesus, The Good Shepherd and hirelings. He made an excellent point that a shepherd does not feed off his own flock at the expense of his flock, but a hireling will. Is that not the epitome of greed? Forget Wall Street!
They're non-believers! But what about THE CHURCH???? Why do we think that Jesus said to those who thought they were His..."I never KNEW you. Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." Matt. 7:23.
Saints, the way of the "christian", western mentality is that for some reason God owes us this wonderful, stress free life; full of bliss, happiness, tranquility, money, a big house with three garages for our three cars and...and....and....all I have to do is make a positive confession of faith...and voila!....genie god! And the doctrine of demons marches the point where unless we have all this "stuff", we've determined that God has not blessed us!
Saints, this is just pure garbage from the pit of hell! God HAS blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the spiritual realm! THAT'S WHERE OUR BLESSINGS ARE! (Eph. 1:3) We are to lay up our treasure IN HEAVEN - not on the earth!
Jesus paid it all - on the Cross! Do we not owe Him our hearts, our life, our service in return? He IS the fulfillment of all we need! When we look to Him, seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, then He promises to provide all that we need. He didn't promise to stuff our "Grinch Bag" full of our greed....No, it's our lust for stuff that takes us off track and makes us vulnerable to the doctrine of demons - and they use Jesus' Name, too!
Saints, there are extremely difficult times coming. Every time I turn around, the Lord is speaking through another vessel, "TIME IS SHORT! TIME IS SHORT!" We need to know how to do without - and not only survive, but minister to others in their time of need. We are to minister the Gospel of Peace to a severely shaken world. We need to be able to persevere in the face of adversity so that we can overcome! We are to be people of faith. Jesus asked His disciples if He'd find faith when he returned to the earth.
In closing, there is nothing flowery about what I'm going to say. We have got to learn how to suck it up...pull up our boot straps...tuck our head down into our coats and trudge against the onslaught of the oncoming storm...looking ever to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
He is the Glory and the Lifter of our heads. He IS our reason for love God, to love our neighbor as our self, to serve Him by serving others, to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, to glorify God and to share the Good News wherever and to whomever the Holy Spirit directs.
He's all I need....therefore, ALL TO HIM I OWE. What is He asking us to do? To whom is He asking us to minister? Faith without works is D-E-A-D....Dead. Faith is not going to church or watching Christian television. Faith is going through the tough things in life; looking unto the Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith...trusting that He who promised IS faithful and true.
Look up, Church! Our Redeemer draws nigh! The time is short....All to Him I owe! Why?...There's a lost and dying world who needs Jesus. Our bodies are not our own...they were bought with a price - the Blood of Jesus. We are the Blood bought Body of Christ - We are the army of the Living God! We are called to die daily....laying down our lives at the foot of the Cross. Soldiers don't drag a lot of stuff onto the battlefield....just their uniform, helmet and weapons of war. They've committed their lives to their commander in chief. Church, it is time for us to do likewise. ALL TO HIM I OWE.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Time Is Short
On May 2nd, I posted another storm dream. It was within one month of the previous dream and the storm was closer.
Since posting that dream, I have received an interpretation which I believe is accurate. However, there are some issues that I'd like to review:
1. God promises to protect those who are His. Psalm 91, Psalm 23
2. This is a message to The Church to wake from her slumber. There are those in the church who are oblivious to the present times, and we are to warn The Church.
3. God warns us for our protection. Just as we watch the TV weather reports regarding approaching storm information for our protection, the Lord gives us warnings in the Spirit so that we are able to prepare and be about His Kingdom business and we make spiritual preparations.
4. The recurring message is this: THE TIME IS SHORT! I have heard this expressed through other ministries and prophetic words. Our pastor said the same to our congregation during his message yesterday. Saints, THE TIME IS SHORT! Saints, the Lord could return to rapture His Church at any moment. All has been fulfilled for the rapture of the Church to take place.
5. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Therefore, our response is not be be fear, but to walk in the Spirit...warning the Church and sharing Jesus with the lost.
6. God states that the shaking of all things will happen, but that there is one thing that shall not be shaken - His Kingdom! (Hebrews 12:26b-29) And saints, we continue to look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
The person through whom the Lord sent the dream interpretation is Sue Love, and I thank her for her allowing me to post what she sent. Her blog site is: and she posts her dreams and visions at:
~I was talking on the phone and looked out my back (south) window. Everything was calm around me at the time. The person on the phone was warning me about this storm. I couldn't tell from the stillness of the air. At first I had thought it was only black, thurnderstorm clouds, but the storm was so wide that I had to go outside to get a better view. ~It was then that I realized the magnitude of this horrendous, impending disaster - AN F-5 TORNADO! I knew I had to get down into the basement, but first had some work to do, and it had to be done quickly. I couldn't find one of my sons. Calling to my husband, I found him already in the basement, and joined him there. Our basement was stocked with supplies. ~All of a sudden, I heard the voice of my oldest son, and opened the sliding door above me to call out to him. He stood outside a friend's house talking to him; oblivious to the storm behind him. I warned him and then awoke.
"Oftentimes, talking on the phone has to do with communications with God, i.e. prayer. A window is often a symbol of revelation knowledge, so it could be that the Lord is showing you that is is Him revealing this to you as a result of your prayers to Him. God is definitely warning of a "storm" to come, but it could be in many different forms - financial, sichness, natural or unnatural disasters, war, tribulation and the one world order perhaps. Whatever it is, it is going to be of tremendous magnitude and it is going to take a lot of people by surprise because they are living at ease and don't think anything really bad is ever going to happen.
Air has to do with breath of life, so stillness can also mean that there is a deadness in the air spiritually speaking, which is why God is going to bring this "storm", i.e. this act of divine judgment against His people in order to wake them up spiritually. The work to do, I believe, is to tell as many people about Jesus. It has to be done quickly, because TIME IS REALLY SHORT (my caps).....
I believe the Lord is showing you that you need to warn the sons of our country; warn our brothers and sisters that God is going to judge America, that it is going to be widespread, beyond belief, and that TIME IS REALLY SHORT (my caps). God was having you warning your son in your dream and he was oblivious of the dangers ahead. This describes so much of America, even the church in America who has gotten lulled into sleep by the whole entertainment philosophy of how to do church. God is calling out for those who will stand up in these difficult times and will say "Yes" in being willing to warn as many as possible and to share Jesus with as many as possible before this "Storm" hits.".....
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Honoring Our Spiritual Mothers and Sisters
~"Mother's Day" in our western society honors the natural mothers, and rightfully so. But let's take time today to also honor our Spiritual Mothers and Sisters.
~As I reflect upon my life, I think of the many women that God has used to help shape, mold and speak His love and wisdom into my life.
~It is often so easy to focus upon the natural, but the scripture from Isaiah tells us that MORE are the children of the barren than of the married and that they will go on to possess the land! This scripture speaks of a spiritual inheritance, and that He who began a good work in us will carry it to completion until the Day of Christ Jesus.
~For many women, Mother's Day in the natural is just plain excruciatingly painful. But what about the Kingdom impact? Who have we led to Christ? Who have we encouraged in the Lord? For whom have we loved and prayed hope into them when hope and love were gone? Who has the Lord used to do this for us in our own lives?
~Mothering - gives life/births and provides the unconditional love and nurturing (and correction!) along the way ~ a quality of never giving up ~ an ability to protect and defend ~ taking someone into our arms to cushion the hurt ~ providing wise counsel (even when it may be uninvited!) ~ raising them to be out on their own - to let go, but to always be there ~ praying for the impossible in their lives ~always has spiritual food in the refrigerator! ~ offers liquid prayers before Our Father that God stores in His bottles in Heaven ~ takes in the lost and the forsaken, and says, "I will love you....Though your mother and father forsake you, I will receive you." ~ suffers long ~ sees qualities in us that others don't ~ sometimes uses the "because I said so", card! ~sometimes smiles over the hurts ~extends arms and heart...And finally: Mothering - Is God with skin on. ~Mothering - points us ever to the Cross.
~Who are (have been) the spiritual mothers in your life?...Thank God for them! Maybe you still have an opportunity to thank them if they are still on the earth....
~To whom are you a spiritual mother?...Thank God! For the spiritual impact will be far greater than anything you could ever imagine! We will never see the full impact in our lifetime on this earth, because the impact is eternal and will continue until the Day of Christ Jesus! Praise God!
Happy Mother's Day!
Love always, Crista
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Shaking and Transitioning
God is indeed setting the stage for great shaking...a great "storm" of His choosing which shall cause all that can be shaken to be shaken. God is wanting His Church to be prepared and to warn others in the Church. Saints, we are indeed to be about Our Father's business and not let the little foxes spoil the vine. In the following word the Lord gave me in January of '06, I sensed He was revealing that particular year to us, personally and corporately to the church. I can tell you that for my husband and I, we encountered intense shaking for the next 15 months...and it happened on all, friendships, family issues; both mine and Steve' deaths and a couple from the nursing home where we minister...6 deaths in 10 mos and family financial issues on both sides.
Are we ready Church for what God is preparing to take us through?
We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches and not what our itching ears want to hear....We are to seek His Wisdom...His all matters.
"There will be great shaking and transitioning (in 2006), but you shall stand."
Then I saw in my spirit what looked to be a miner panning for gold. God is shaking all that can be shaken, and the gold that survives are the ministries which have come through the time of testing. I could see all sand/gravel/dirt in this pan, and the gold began to rise; that which one could not initially see, was indeed among all the rest and began to rise to the top. These are the ones who have come forth as pure gold. They have been tried and tested, yet they have stood the test. This is the Pure Bride of Christ. These are they who've stood in the fire and allowed the Lord to do His Work in them. These are the one's who've gone through the Refiner's Fire.
Then the Lord began to speak again:
"The Lord says, I shall reveal them in (2006). There are those who think they are gold, but they are the tares. I have given them time to repent, for I Am Merciful. But now is the time for the separation, because I Am also Judge of the whole earth. I and I Alone judge the hearts of men; men who have called themselves Mine and yet seek after their own advancement calling it Me. This is a defilement before the Lord and My anger burns against them.
In this they have taken My Name in vain; calling what has benefited them as from Me, but their hearts are far from Me. I will no longer tolerate this in My Church. I have said, and I say now, Today is the Day of Salvation. Humble yourselves and repent for the Day of Judgment is at hand. Man no longer fears My fury. But I tell you the Truth, "I AM THE LORD! I AM THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE!
Let him who steals, steal no more! Those who call themselves my shepherds have stolen from their sheep, and I will no longer tolerate it; for My anger burns greater against them than against the heathen. For their perverse and selfish, greedy nature has turned aside the very ones I have been calling to Me. I have seen and I have heard the cries of My people; My sheep, and I will no longer tolerate the perversion which has continued in those leaders who continually harden their hearts before Me.
Know that I AM merciful. I have given them time to repent, but they have preferred earthly riches to the riches of My Kingdom and seeking My heart and My Ways. They worshipped Me with their lips, but their hearts have been far from Me. When I have manifested Myself in their midst, it was because of My great Love for My Sheep; for My Sheep hear My Voice, and I AM the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His Sheep - My Sheep. I have heard the cries of My Sheep. My ears have been attentive to their call, and now I come like the deer on the hills. I descend like the eagle to pluck My Sheep from the jowls of the wolves. Let the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come, Lord Jesus, Come."
You shall see My Glory, for to those who do not glory in the flesh, but only in Me, shall I reveal My Glory.
I Am not slow to act, but it seems slow in men's hearts who yearn for Me, but I have given those who call themselves Mine time to repent. I have tried the hearts of men to see those who ARE Mine. Only those who are of Me will stand in this last hour. All others will fall away. I will only now reveal Myself and entrust to those who have stood the test, the greater works that I have promised.
In my spirit, I see an hourglass, and the sand has run through.
The time of My Mercy has ended regarding the leaders who've not repented. It is a grievous thing to fall under the judgment Hand of the Lord. Behold, I come with a two-edged sword in My mouth. My mercy and compassion have I reserved for My flock.
Jer. 23:18-20 (Amp) "For who among them has stood in the council of the Lord, that he should perceive and hear His word? Who has marked His word [noticing and observing and giving attention to it] and has [actually] heard it? Behold, the tempest of the Lord has gone forth in wrath, a whirling tempest; it shall whirl and burst upon the heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord shall not turn back until He has executed and accomplished the thoughts and intents of His mind and heart. In the latter days you shall consider and understand it perfectly."
Ezekiel 34
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Power of the Holy Spirit
The Lord has been impressing upon me of late the need for the Holy Spirit in our lives to do such a work that the fruit of the Holy Spirit be revealed! Beloved, it is not the gifts of the Spirit upon which we need to focus, but the fruit. Why do I say that? First of all, in Matthew 7:15, we are told that we shall know them by their "fruit". And Galatians 5:22 lists the fruit of the Spirit. Beloved, I truly believe that as we allow the Lord to grow His fruit within us, the gifts will be made manifest.
And why do we need the Holy Spirit? To put to death the flesh which wars against the Spirit. Galatians, Chapter 5:24 "And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." Now, take a look at Gal. 5:20 - What is one of the works of the flesh listed that WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven? "SELFISH AMBITIONS" What is the mentality of the church today that we so often hear and that many itching ears want to hear? In a nutshell, it's the "All About Me" Doctrine. And I commit to you that this is the doctrine of demons, because we hear about "my blessing, my healing, my new this, my new that, my, my, my, my...The Blab It and Grab It Doctrine of self! ....." I tell you the truth, the Lord told us to pray, "THY WILL BE DONE AS IT IS IN HEAVEN"....He did NOT say, "my will be done as it is in heaven". Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that IF the cup could be removed, He asked the Father to remove it, yet, not His will, but the FATHER'S will be done. And as a result, our enemies are are defeated in Jesus submitting to the Father's will.
Beloved, do we truly get it? Our lives ARE to be in obedience to the Cross; NOT our will, but the Lord's will. This is truly where the power of the Holy Spirit will be displayed....IN THE CRUCIFIXION OF OUR FLESH! And then, we will be fit vessels through whom the gifts of the Holy Spirit shall flow...for we shall not glory in our flesh - our name - our prestige - our notoriety - our reputation - our promotion, but IN THE LORD GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR BY THE WORKING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! Beloved, Jesus made Himself of NO reputation in coming to this earth in the form of a man! Therefore, if Jesus made Himself of NO reputation - really, what is ours?!!
Beloved, there is only one way to truly know the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to raise the dead....there MUST be a death...the death of our flesh to our selfish motives and desires...and a turning to the Cross to where we cry out with everything which is within us...the Spirit crying out..."FATHER! NOT MY WILL, BUT THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH - THROUGH THIS VESSEL WHICH YOU'VE CREATED BY YOUR OWN HANDS - TO SERVE, GLORIFY AND MAGNIFY YOU - THAT YOUR WILL BE DONE AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! TO YOU BE ALL THE GLORY, ALL THE HONOR AND ALL THE PRAISE FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN!"
I am going to leave you with this quote: "You shall be witnesses unto Me" is not handing out tracts. It is demonstrating this - that "I AM God, though invisible, and the truth of Me is exhibited by your obedience in this earth, particularly when it flies in the face of your self-interest, and will more likely earn for you discomfort or suffering." That is a witness unto Him that the principalities and powers of the air cannot abide." "APOSTOLIC FOUNDATIONS-The Challenge of Living an Authentic Christian Life", Arthur Katz, Burning Bush Press, c. 1999, page 150.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another Storm Dream - VERY CLOSE!
In the previous storm dream (see posting 4/6), it was very far away. I could not see it, but knew it was approaching. In this dream, the sky appeared much like a hot, purplish red, infected sore about to turn gangrenous. I could tell this monster would be advancing from the south and did not know if our home would physically survive.
I believe last night's dream confirmed the first. -
~I was talking on the phone and looked out my back (south) window. Everything was calm around me at the time. The person on the phone was warning me about this storm. I couldn't tell from the stillness of the air. At first I had thought it was only black, thurnderstorm clouds, but the storm was so wide that I had to go outside to get a better view.
~It was then that I realized the magnitude of this horrendous, impending disaster - AN F-5 TORNADO! I knew I had to get down into the basement, but first had some work to do, and it had to be done quickly. I couldn't find one of my sons. Calling to my husband, I found him already in the basement, and joined him there. Our basement was stocked with supplies.
~All of a sudden, I heard the voice of my oldest son, and opened the sliding door above me to call out to him. He stood outside a friend's house talking to him; oblivious to the storm behind him. I warned him and then awoke.
There are some qualities about this dream we need to examine:
1. At a time when all appears calm...the storm is nearer than we think. It has moved to our back yard.
2. God does warn us of impending disaster so that we can prepare. (I think this was representative of the "phone call".)
3. The storm will be unimagineably widespread and disastrous of a proportion we cannot conceive. My sons live in South Carolina and we're in Michigan. What touches us will reach them.
4. It is closer than we think and it is much more treacherous than we can imagine.
(In the first dream, I could not "see" the shape of the storm. In this dream, I saw the outline of an F-5 tornado.)
5. This storm is truly in our back yard and bearing down on us.
6. There are those who we need to warn to take cover, and there are those who we may not be able to "find". In other words, there are always those who will listen and those who won't.
7. I was totally calm throughout this entire dream. ~HE IS OUR PEACE!
BELOVED, GOD IS OUR REFUGE....OUR PRESENT HELP IN TIME OF NEED. HE IS OUR STRONG TOWER. We do not need to fear, but we do need to be prepared.
1. PUT OUR TRUST IN GOD! "For the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you." Exodus 12:23.
2. Spiritually - Draw close to God and He will draw near to us. Ask Him to reveal those things in our lives of which He wants to purify us and separate us. Lukewarm is NOT a safe place to be!
3. Physically - Have supplies on hand for you and your family. Not only food, but water, toilet paper, female products, heat/cooking and light source.
4. Alert others.
5. God has our time on this earth in His hands. No matter what is going on in our life, we must realize that our life is but a vapor. Only God knows how long each one of us will walk this earth. This is why we must make the most of every moment - no matter what! We must always be ready. Scripture is very clear - we only have today, and that's really enough. However, we are to be wise in preparing as He leads us.
6. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's blog postings.
If you have other insights or comments, please share.
God bless you!