Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Beloved, It was this past Sunday morning (10/11/09) when The Lord spoke these words...
May we truly hear His heart's cry for His Church in this hour.
There is a spirit of entertainment in America. This spirit has taken over My Church.
My desire continues to remain that My People who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray; to seek My face and turn from their wicked ways;
then shall I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.
But My People do not seek My face. No! They seek this speaker and that speaker,
but they do not seek Me ---- and oh how this grieves My Heart!
Oh how this grieves My heart.
I weep over My Church.
I weep over My Church.
Oh, My People, if you only realized how much I love you....
how much I long for you, but you turn and you commit adultery with the world;
you fornicate with other lovers, and you think that through them you come to Me.
But I tell you the Truth,
I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE! No man can come to The FATHER except through Me.
Yet, you follow other lovers; thinking that you are coming to Me. No!
Do you not yet understand?
You can only come to Me when you are in communion with Me.
Those who promote their name instead of My Name.
Those who promote a financial partnership with their ministry,
instead of a partnership with Me.
Tell My People to humble themselves and repent of all sin;
of all idol worship.
Seek first My Face, My Kingdom, My Righteousness,
and I will tell you where and what to give financially.
I ask you this: Do the poor receive the benefits or the rich?
Have I not told you not to store up for yourselves riches on earth which moth and rust decay?
Have I not told you I have a place stored up for you in Heaven that will far surpass any thing you could imagine?
Then why do you seek and run after things?
Why do you allow yourself to be in bondage to things of the earth which have no eternal, Kingdom value?
It is an abomination, I say. It is a weight around your neck. Have I not told you to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares you and to run with endurance the race which is set before you; looking unto Jesus; the Author and Perfecter of your faith.
For I tell you the truth, what I call you to shed is the world, the flesh and the hold the enemy has on you.
You walk in bondage to the things of the world, My Precious Church, when I shed My Blood to set you free.
Come daily, My Love, daily, hourly, minute by minute to the heart of Your Father and I shall fill you with My Living Water - not what man thinks is My Living Water - but I, Myself, shall fill you. I, Myself shall refresh you.
As I fed Elijah in the wilderness, so shall I feed you.
Elijah prayed that I would take his life so he could die. After doing so, I fed him.
That's what I ask you to do, My Love. Die to self.
Die to the ways of the world.
Die to the desires of the flesh.
Die to the ways of man, and I shall feed you in the wilderness.
I shall feed you; for I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE!
For I have said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood,
you have no life in you."
Eat My Flesh and drink My Blood.
As you feast on My Word, you eat My Flesh - for in the beginning was The Word,
and The Word became flesh.
And as you drink My Blood, you drink the cup of suffering;
for My Blood was poured out....
The Apostle Paul, My Bondservant, allowed himself to be poured out as a drink offering. Are you willing?
Have I not told you that in Christ you ARE My children,
then heirs - heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ,
if indeed you suffer with Him, that you may be glorified together. (Rom. 8:17)
I tell you the truth, your present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in My time, My Beloved. I tell you, creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. (Rom. 8:18-19)
When I cause you to suffer for a little while, I AM planting you even deeper in Me.
For vegetation to be sturdy, it must be planted deep or it will be tossed to and fro.
For I tell you the truth, a time is now coming, when I shall tear down the idol worship in My Church. And when I do, where will you be standing?
On the sand or on THE ROCK?
You have a choice.

Crista Simmons
LifeCare Ministries and Healing Centers
Richland, Michigan, USA
May be reprinted only in it's exactness.
This was written as The Father would have me to write for His Purpose and His Glory.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Deeper Is Higher

Beloved, I pray you hear and feel Father's heart for you~ Do not despair. He sees all that you are going through right now...and He IS shaping you and conforming you to the image of His Son.
As Daddy gave me His Words this morning that "Deeper IS Higher"....I sat to type as He gave me the following. Ever yours in Christ, Crista

"Have you not seen? Have you not heard that the Lord, Our God, is One God?....Beloved, why do you run to and fro trying to find Me in others, when I AM right here? I AM with you for I have promised to never ever, no, not ever leave you or forsake you! Your God is FOR YOU!
I AM FOR YOU! I stand with My arms outstretched to you. Run, I say, RUN into My arms for I love you with an everlasting love. Know this, My Beloved, that everything through which I take you in your life on the earth, I shall use for My Glory...for My Ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
Do you trust Me? Do you trust Me? Then allow Me to do the work; knowing always that I am even now working on your behalf, My Beloved. You do not need to see the end from the beginning...but I do. I just ask that you trust Me in this that I, WHO have promised you, am Faithful and True. I AM ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY BEYOND WHAT YOU COULD THINK, HOPE FOR, OR IMAGINE....FOR I AM GOD!
You do not know, Beloved, what it will take for Me to form you into the image of My Son...But I do...I do. Trust Me in this. I Alone, Your God, know what it will take to form you into the image of My Son...not the image of someone whom you idolize in what you think is of Me...and some of them are....but you are to look to Me and Me, Alone. I AM YOUR DADDY! I AM YOUR HEAVENLY PAPA! I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA! I AM THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR! I AM YOUR ALL IN ALL! I LONG TO BE YOUR ALL IN ALL!
Do not look to others in what I have done in them for your own life. For I have created you with a uniqueness that is all My own. I do not "rubber stamp" My children. Each of you have My own special plan and purpose for your life. But do you trust ME to perform it? Do you trust ME that I have your best interest at heart for the sake of My Kingdom Glory and your relationship with ME? That is what I desire, My Beloved, your relationship with Me as Your Daddy. But you look to the world....You look to others.....You look and you do not find...Your soul is not satisfied, because I have created you that only One will satisfy you...and that is ME, My Beloved...for I AM A JEALOUS GOD! O, how I long for you....O, how I long for you to cry out to Me.
Beloved, have I not promised you that deep calls unto deep? It is in the depths that I will take you that you will find new heights. A tree which is tall and sturdy has deep, deep roots. Can you imagine the depth to the roots of the giant Sequoias or the Redwoods? Beloved, I am an inverse God...but the god of this universe seeks to deceive you that higher is higher. But lo, I tell you the Truth, that deeper is higher. It is in going deeper with Me that I shall give you the treasures of darkness. It is in going deeper with Me that I shall carry you on the wings of eagles. It is in going deeper with Me that I Beloved, it is My deep desire that you and I are one....but you must leave the world behind....
You must leave behind all that you thought was...and come to THE ONE WHO IS! Come to Me, My Beloved, and I will show you great and wonderful truths which I long to reveal to you in greater depth....for I WILL REVEAL MYSELF TO YOU IN WAYS WHICH YOU COULD NOT POSSIBLY IMAGINE.
It is only in Me that you will find the fullness for which I have created you...that we live and move and have our being together....O Beloved, I desire to be with you, more than you desire to be with Me...for your mind does not comprehend the relationship in store for you...for this is something that will never be comprehended in the flesh, but only in the My Spirit.
My Love, I call you....I call you to the cleft of the Rock....I call you to the depths of My heart for you....
May His blessings be yours in Christ Jesus,

Welcome ~

The purpose of this blog is to encourage our walk in Christ; together in Him; for as we develop our relationship with the Lord, we ARE more than conquerors through Christ Jesus! Praise God! My writings are mostly from an experiential standpoint; however sometimes this includes dreams and visions. (Comments are reviewed prior to posting.)